Working on a new directory for disease-modeling talks.

I gave two “tutorials” for the biological group at the 2016 Summer Course on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Infectious Diseases at National Taiwan University

The first is closely based on ICI3D lectures I’ve given for years at MMED and DAIDD; the second is more foundational and was meant to cover topics requested by Hiroshi Nishiura.

Also, in the same newly cleaned directory are two “lectures” that I gave to the plenary group in the same course:

Again, the first is based on ICI3D material, and the second was tailored to this specific course. The second lecture is not well described by the slides, since it was mostly done by interactive simulations (see code), which I hope I will have time to document soon. This lecture was inspired by Brian Williams’s Harare spreadsheet tutorial from MMED.

I’m working on trying to unify my approach to presentations, and to organize the information. The disease-model talks repo makes some sort of attempt to organize the information that it relies on (and to automatically download the public stuff).

At NTU, I also gave two more stats-y lectures which are in a different directory, so I will probably post about them later.